Delivery Areas

  Area Rate - Rs.
1  Kundasale        200.00
2  Madawala        280.00
3  Kandy City        350.00
4  Menikhinna       370.00
5  Wattegama        380.00
6  Digana        490.00
7  Katugastota/Polgolla       550.00
8  Ambatenna        630.00
9  Teldeniya        650.00
10  Talatuoya        700.00
11  Akurana        710.00
12  Kandy District Other Areas - up to 2kg        560.00
13  Kandy District Other Areas - 2.1kg to 5kg        840.00
14  Kandy District Other Areas - 5.1kg to 10kg     1,300.00
15  Kandy District Other Areas - 10.1kg to 15kg     1,760.00
16  Other Areas - up to 2kg        740.00
17  Other Areas - 2.1kg to 5kg     1,020.00
18  Other Areas - 5.1kg to 10kg      1,480.00
19  Other Areas - 10.1kg to 15kg     1,950.00
20  Colombo District       350.00